                                Ich präsentiere meine Medaillen der IDM2016
Mein neues Sherri Hill Kleid. Es ist ganz in Dunkelblau gehalten und auf Höhe der Büste mit zahllosen Steinen in verschiedenen Blautönen verziert.
In der Diskussion mit Mathhias Opdenhövel zum Thema Olympia und Paralympics in Berlin, Photo Peter Adamik
Grüße von der EM2014 an alle HappySwimmers -
Ich in einem Paillettenkleid mit weitem Ausschnitt und halbdurchsichtigen Trägern
Ich vor dem Wettkampfbecken der WM2013 in Montreal / Kanada mit all meinen Medaillen dieser WM. 1x Gold, 3x Silber

Robert und ich bei der Ehrung zu Berlins Sportlerin des Jahres - Champions 2012

Ich stehe auf der Rennbahn, halte den Arm durchgestreckt nach oben und gebe den Startschuss für den fünften Renntag des sechs Tage Rennen. Aus der Pistole schießen Funken und Rauch.

Ich im langen, in verschiedenen violett Nuancen schimmernden Abendkleid auf dem roten Teppich in Baden-Baden zur Gala "Sportler des Jahres 2012"

Zu Gast bei Andreas Ulrich zum Jahresrückblick in der RADIO1 Sendung „ARENA“

Germany's flag bearer Daniela Schulte (front) leads the team during the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games at the Olympic stadium, London, Great Britain, 29 August 2012. Photo: Julian Stratenschulte dpa

Germany's flag bearer Daniela Schulte (front) leads the team during the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games at the Olympic stadium, London, Great Britain, 29 August 2012. Photo: Julian Stratenschulte dpa

epa03374267 Germany's flag bearer Daniela Schulte leads the German delegation into the Olympic Stadium during the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games, London, Britain, 29 August 2012. EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA

Daniela Schulte während der Pressekonferenz am 30.08.2012 im Deutschen Haus

Daniela Schulte of Germany starts for the Women's 100m Freestyle - S11 Final for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 31 August 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

Daniela Schulte of Germany competes during the Women's 50m Freestyle - S11 Swimming Final for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 1 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

Daniela Schulte (2nd from left) of Germany competes during the Women's 50m Freestyle - S11 Swimming Final for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 1 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

Daniela Schulte of Germany competes during the women's 100m breaststroke - SB11 for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 3 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

epa03388370 Daniela Schulte of Germany celebrates after winning the gold medal in the women's 400m Freestyle S11 final of the swimming competitions at the Aquatics Center during the London 2012 Paralympic Games in London, Britain, 07 September 2012. EPA/TAL COHEN

epa03388374 Daniela Schulte of Germany is on her way to win the gold medal in the women's 400m Freestyle S11 final of the swimming competitions at the Aquatics Center during the London 2012 Paralympic Games in London, Britain, 07 September 2012. EPA/TAL COHEN

Daniela Schulte of Germany reacts after the Women's 400m Freestyle - S11 Final for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 7 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

Gold medalist Daniela Schulte of Germany competes during the women's 400m freestyle - S11 at the Aquatics Center during the London 2012 Paralympic Games, London, Great Britain, 07 September 2012. Photo: Julian Stratenschulte dpa

Daniela Schulte of Germany shows her gold medal after the Women's 400m Freestyle - S11 Final for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 7 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

Daniela Schulte of Germany celebrates her gold medal after the Women's 400m Freestyle - S11 Final for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 7 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

epa03390339 Germany's Daniela Schulte is on her way to win the silver medal in the women's 200m IM SM11 final during the London 2012 Paralympic Games in London, Britain, 08 September 2012. EPA/GERRY PENNY

Daniela Schulte of Germany shows her silver medal after the Women's 200m IM - SM11 Final for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 8 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

Daniela Schulte of Germany celebrates her silver medal after the Women's 200m IM - SM11 Final for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 8 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

Daniela Schulte of Germany competes in the Women's 200m IM - SM11 Final for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 8 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa

Daniela Schulte of Germany competes in the Women's 200m IM - SM11 Final at the London 2012 Paralympic Games Swimming competition at the Aquatics Centre, Great Britain, 8 September 2012. Photo: Daniel Karmann dpa
Auftaktveranstaltung zur neuen Diskussionsreihe „Sportgespräch Berlin“  - „Spitzensport und Sportidole - eine Welt von vorgestern” -
Ich beim fleißig Autogramme schreiben während der Welcome Party im Europa Park
Daniela auf den letzten 50m - by Lars Gawel
Treffen mit Horst Köhler - Foto BPA
Daniela bei der Siegerehrung über 100m Freistil - by Lars Gawel
Bronze über 100m Freistil - by Lars Gawel
Bronze über 100m Freistil
Bronze über 100m Freistil
Kurz vor dem Ende der Bahn werde ich von einem Tapper angetippt.
Goldmedaille - 100m Freistil in Rio zur 25m WM 2009
Maike und ich in Rio vor dem Freibecken :)
Maike links, Kirsten rechts und ich in der Mitte vor dem Freibecken in Rio
Auf dem ADAC Ball
Ich schaue lächelnd über meine Rechte Schulter.